WWIII hypothetical....

Mike Alpha
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Re: WWIII hypothetical....

Post by Mike Alpha » Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:58 pm

citabria wrote:An SLBM missile flight time is in the order of tens of minutes, not hours.
I based my ETA on a Tomahawk type missile speed of about 880Kph. Although a Tomahawk won't travel that far.

Sorry, it is a nasty scenario but considering current world events..... :(


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Re: WWIII hypothetical....

Post by Bigfella237 » Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:35 pm

Trust me... the end of the world is coming, it just doesn't get sworn into office until January 20th next year!

I don't see any point in issuing advanced warning, even to emergency services, the only thing it would do is induce hysteria.

Even if you're outside the immediate blast radius there would be no point sending crews into "ground zero" after the event, at best you might be needed to help evacuate people from surrounding areas, but then with so much radiation are you sacrificing your own life by staying on duty?

With services further away from the impact area it would be a different story, they would need to prepare for a massive influx of refugees from metro areas so there would be plenty to do setting up shelter, supplying food and water etc., even seemingly insignificant things like where to park all the cars people bring with them would be a major logistical problem.


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Re: WWIII hypothetical....

Post by citabria » Tue Nov 22, 2016 8:42 pm

Since doing Physics at high school (years ago..) and since then, university, I have studied this particular branch of physics in particular... In particular, studying some 4,000 pages of declassified US government documents on the development of such "physics package" based weapons.

Put it this way - in the event of a firs strike, there will be very little in the way of preparation before time zero, and it will simply be a matter of post planning. As JAFO has said, we don't have the resources to do it any other way, and as such, it's a matter of picking up the pieces afterwards.

I know it sounds all doomsday and awful, but it's a realistic assessment. We just have to hope, and have faith that humanity will prevail, and that the "bad guys" (who exactly are they anyway...) don't want to destroy us any more than they want to be destroyed.

World politics is a game of chess, and the concept of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) is still very much a reality. There are still a million other factors in a real nuclear war that would make it an un-attractive option for any sane individual.. Nuclear Winter, global food produce devastation, and so on are all real. Who knows..

It would take a true madman to attempt such a feat, but, such is the game of world politics and the concept of fear to motivate people.

The best we can do, is keep on going, and not try to anticipate such things - even if you build a bunker in your backyard - you might be able to survive for what - a month? What are you going to find when you run out of food and fresh air/water, and have to finally open the hatch? It's a fair bet that if you are lucky, radiation would probably consume you within a couple of agonising days, or if you are one of the unlucky ones, you will die of a combination of radiation sickness, lack of nourishment, and/or disease.

Sorry or the negative post, I'm off to kiss the kids goodnight and put them in bed. Let this be a reminder to savour every single day we have.


(That's airbatic backwards - as in - go fly an aerobatic airplane for fun someday....)

Mike Alpha
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Re: WWIII hypothetical....

Post by Mike Alpha » Tue Nov 22, 2016 9:20 pm

I imagine then that in a secret safe in the basement of the Emergency Operations Centre there lies a black folder titled 'Open Only In The Event Of A Nuclear War'. And inside there is one page with 'Every Man For Himself. May Your God Go With You' written on it.


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